
Rites of Spring

Rites of Spring

Spring has Sprung! Yesterday was the first day of spring, and although the weather did not seem to get the message, I can feel spring in the air. I would have made a good bear, hibernating the winter away, just now coming from her den, sniffing the air, and finding it full of hope with the promise of spring. Spring offers us new beginnings, renewal and an opportunity for a full-system reboot – a new year.

According to our ancestors and several cultures today, the vernal equinox, the first day of spring, marks the beginning of a new year. The vernal equinox also marks the astrological new year as we enter the season of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac.

Vernal means “spring” in Latin, and equinox literally translates to “equal night.” The sun passes directly over the equator, creating equal day and night, the perfect metaphor of harmony and balance. The dark days of winter are waning, and our spirits are lifting like the temperatures. As the earth awakens to a new dawn, we too begin to shake off the quiet slumber of winter. We are reborn.

We may feel the urge to purge, our bodies and our closets. We may feel the urge to release – the past and things that no longer serve us. We need to make room for new ideas, creative projects and inspirations that will bloom this spring. Spring motivates us to make those changes we promised to ourselves months ago. Spring is a powerful time for new beginnings, a fresh start.

One of my favorite memories of growing up in Iran is the celebration of Nowruz, Persian New Year, which arrives on the vernal equinox. The rituals surrounding Nowruz center on family and a deep respect for tradition. Nowruz is a joyous thirteen-day festival of color, celebrated with friends and family, sharing food, flowers and setting a traditional table to plant their intentions for the coming year. On the last day of Nowruz is Sizdah Bedar – the Festival of Nature. Everyone spends the day outdoors, enjoying family picnics, regardless of the weather. What a wonderful way to welcome spring and celebrate the season.

Here are a few ways we can celebrate the coming of spring, and start our own season of renewal and rebirth:

Bid winter goodbye with a thorough spring cleaning.

Clean the slate, so to speak. Roll up your sleeves and scrub away the accumulated dust, grime, sadness and depression of winter from your home, car, office and head. Open the doors and windows and let in fresh air. Splurge on new sheets and towels. Bring in fresh flowers.

Release negative and stagnant energy from your space by smudging. Traditionally white sage is used for smudging, however, I find smoky sage can be an allergy irritant, so I prefer burning palo santo, also known as “holy wood.” It smells divine. After safely lighting the palo santo stick, guide the smoke to all corners of your space.

Clear up the clutter. Clutter has an amazing way of overwhelming us. Throw out, recycle and repurpose what you do not use or need. Find a place for everything and keep everything in its place. Let your mantra for spring be “Tidy Up!”

Diffuse citrus essential oils to uplift your spirits, clear the air and create a delightful scent. Citrus oils are energizing and cleansing. Another favorite cleansing blend to diffuse is a mix of clary sage and lemongrass oils.

Plant new seeds, literally and metaphorically, for what you want to bloom this spring and harvest next fall.

Make a list of what you wish to grow in your life. Take your list and bury it in the garden, and watch your dreams spring forth. Be inspired, don’t let old habits stand in the way of new ones. Now is time to create a fresh start.

Watch your words. You cannot expect love, prosperity, abundance and joy to come into your life if you are constantly telling yourself otherwise.

Use real plants as symbols of your life’s journey. Lovingly and with intention, imbue your plant seedlings with the desires you wish to cultivate in your life, and plant them with tender care. If you live in an area where it is too soon to plant your garden, start some pots indoors, plan your garden, cultivate the soil and clean up the winter debris until it is time to move outdoors.

Lighten up.

Replace winter’s heavy comfort foods with spring vegetables. Eat less sugar, meat and dairy, and drink more water. Spring is the perfect time for a dietary reboot. Now is a good time to try a cleanse. Choose a sensible one that will be kind to your system, or simply eliminate processed junk foods and sugary beverages. Working with the season not only makes sense, it makes the process easier to stick to and adopt long-term.

Add some play to your day. Get outdoors and splash in puddles, make a mud pie or just soak up some sunshine. What do you see in the shapes of the puffy clouds? Let’s go fly a kite!

Shake up your wardrobe with a pop of vibrant, spring color. It will brighten your day and your mood.

As the equinox suggests, examine the balance of your life.

Look at your life like a balance sheet. Do you allow yourself to receive as much as you give, or do you take more than your fair share? Are you stressed from striving too hard, or feeling lethargic from not giving your full effort? Are you sleeping well and finding enough time for self-care, or you feeling a little victimized by life? You know what to do to bring your life into balance, do it now.

Try a walking meditation for creating balance. As you take a step or two, inhale. Take another step or two, exhale. Establish a joyful, balanced rhythm, timing your steps with your breath. Consciously breathe in the good stuff – like joy, health, peace and abundance. With each exhale, release the not-so-good stuff – like control, fear, disappointment and anger. Extra credit if you do this mindful walking meditation with the sunrise.

As we enter spring, we are propelled forward to welcome a new cycle of growth. Honor the season of rebirth with rituals of your own.

Wishing you all a joyous spring celebration, filled with sunshine, healthy food, loving family and vibrant colors!

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