
“Primary Food” for A Well-Nourished Soul

“Primary Food” for A Well-Nourished Soul

“Primary Food” is a term coined by the founder of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Joshua Rosenthal.  Expecting a decree that kale is indeed the primary food for good health, imagine my surprise to learn his theory of primary food pertains very little to actual food.  Here is an abbreviated explanation of Mr. Rosenthal’s primary foods concept:

Ordinary food is what is on your plate. Primary foods are what satisfy your hunger for life, as there are hungers that cannot be met with food. We hunger for love, connection, creative expression, adventure, meaningful work and a healthy dose of fun.  As such, in Joshua’s opinion, our four “primary” sources of nourishment come from loving relationships, physical activity, a fulfilling career and an active spiritual practice.  I would add one more item to his list of primary foods: self-expression/creativity. I believe we hunger for an outlet for self-expression, and creativity in its many forms.  

The ordinary food we eat, according to Joshua, is secondary to primary foods, and he insists good health cannot be achieved without well-nourished primary foods, no matter if we eat healthfully or not.  Unfortunately, most of compound the problem by not eating healthfully.

Our mass-produced, overly-available fast-food culture has dramatically changed our “ordinary food” world. This constant smorgasbord makes it convenient for us to use food as a substitute for primary food needs.  We fill ourselves with more and more food hoping to fill the void, dull the ache or soothe the displeasure we feel.  And since most processed foods have little nutritional value, we are left in a soup of dissatisfaction – physically, mentally and spiritually. We gain weight and have diet-related disorders all because we are literally starving… for primary food satiation.

Ultimate self-care begins when we assume responsibility for nourishing our soul’s primary food needs.

My primary food situation was grim when I started on my own path to a well-nourished soul.  My dead-end job was far from purposeful. My heart was broken from another failed relationship. I had forgotten how to have fun. My self-expression was on mute. God and I were having a time-out. Surely my circumstances were to blame! Something had to give!  It took me a little time to clear away the rubble and debris of blame I had scattered about and began to own my circumstances. Addressing the state of my primary food health was my first step. Through self-care, I began to chip away at anything and everything that did not feed my soul.  If it was something I couldn’t change, I reframed my attitude towards it.  Self-care became my spiritual quest. 

Perhaps, it’s time to take a hard look at the state of your primary food health. 

How are your relationships?  Do any fences need mending? Do you need to apologize, or clear the air?  Have you told your loved ones how much they mean to you?  How is your relationship with yourself?

How are you feeling about your career?  Are you feeling stuck or stymied, or do you jump out of bed every morning eager for the work day?  Do you need to shift gears completely and do something different?  We spend so many hours working, please see that your career brings your life purpose and joy; and if not, at least satisfaction.

Is regular physical activity part of your life? Are you better acquainted with the sofa and remote than your gym shoes? Moving your body always improves your spirit.  What part of your life is devoted to play? Physical activity doesn’t have to be hours logged at the gym. Is there room for a new adventure in your life? 

Do you have a spiritual practice?  Spirituality is not necessarily the same as a religious practice, although it can be if that works for you.  What is your spiritual practice?  Could you make time for deepening it?  Do you meditate? Would you be willing to learn?  Do you allow yourself time for quiet reflection, be it in nature, prayer, thought or gratitude?

What is your creative outlet?  I know so many people who profess not to be creative, and that simply is not true.  We are all creative and we are all artistic. What makes your hearts sing? Don’t sell yourself short.  Appreciate your own unique gift to the world and do not compare your version of creativity to anyone else.  Art does not need a capital “A” – art can be making a colorful salad, singing in the shower, or wearing cute shoes.  What is your form of self-expression?  Are you giving it a voice?

Primary foods are the foundational building blocks of a Well-Nourished Soul.   

Take note of any primary food deficiencies you may have and begin to address them, step by step.  Pay special attention to your food cravings, because if you crave foods that are not in your best interest to eat, it is likely to be a cry for primary food attention.  No food is going to satisfy that hunger. It may take some deprogramming as we have literally been spoon-fed the belief that we deserve to feed that craving!  But what we truly deserve are healthy relationships, rewarding work, fun activities, self-expression and a rich spiritual life.  We are all able to nourish our own primary food needs, and it is no one else’s job to do so for us.

Do you need to clear some rubble and debris to live the life you desire?  What small step can you take today to feed a primary food need?

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