
Shine On Harvest Moon

Shine On Harvest Moon

The full moon is the high point of the lunar cycle.  And this full moon will be a high point of my year as I’m in Sedona, Arizona – land of the mystical red rock vortexes and Native American history. The October full moon is usually called the Hunter’s Moon since historically October was time to hunt for meat to last throughout the winter. But being so close to the autumnal equinox only a few weeks ago, this moon is a late Harvest Moon. Since the sun shines almost directly over the equator now, the moon will rise early and be visible until dawn. And it’s going to be bright and intense!

Each month, the full moon takes place in a different sign of the zodiac. This full moon will be shining in the astrological sign of Aries, a sign driven by the fiery planet Mars. Aries is known for being brave, impulsive and rash, competitive and argumentative. Don’t be surprised if this full moon stirs up some fiery emotions in you as well. Rather than being swept along like the tide, let’s use the powerful energy of this full moon to our advantage. This is the perfect time to deepen our connection to the cycles of nature, the moon and ourselves.

The full moon time is ideal for looking within. When the moon is shining brightly, we are given an opportunity to shine a spotlight on what is good, and what could be better, in our lives. It’s the perfect time for healing the past, releasing old baggage and finding forgiveness, for ourselves and others. It’s also time for being grateful for the abundance, the bounty of good that is uniquely ours. After all, it’s harvest time.

“Escape from the black cloud that surrounds you. Then you will see your own light, as radiant as the full moon.”  - Rumi

Now is the time to escape from our black clouds we’ve been hiding behind. It’s time to step out of the shadows and reclaim our lives, and our purpose. Living in the past is no longer an option. Aries reminds us that we have the strength necessary to move forward and we may have to fight to remove the obstacles preventing us from reaching our highest potential, for developing a greater sense of self. It’s time to believe in yourself, and to stand in your power. 

This moon, with its balance between the sun and with the equator, also begs you to consider how you use your balance of power. Have you been selfish or argumentative, using your power to get your way? Or do you hand your power over to others to avoid dealing with responsibility?  Neither option serves us well.

How do your actions affect others and the world around us? Can you balance your needs and self-interests with a healthy respect for the needs of those closest to you?

Can you bring balance to your mind (ego) and spirit (heart)? Can you balance and soothe the eternal conflict within? Sometimes the most courageous thing we can do is look at our inner life. This fiery full moon gives us the courage necessary to slay our own demons once and for all.

Are you willing to fight for what you believe in?  This October’s Harvest Moon teaches us to be strong and independent, and that we should reject projects or demands that are not in alignment with our highest goals. It’s time to work on our own life purpose, needs and desires. Not in a selfish way, but in a confident, self-assured manner. We are all ready to shine brightly, no matter what challenges you perceive. Especially now because this full moon energy will support you. That is, if you take action.

Harvest time is about working a little harder so that we can reap the rewards of the seeds we sowed earlier this year. Remember the goals you set at the start of the year? The hope and dreams you had that this year would be different, better in some way? There’s still time to make it so. Revisit your resolutions, hopes and dreams, and take a step towards making it a reality. Even a baby step will do.

Let’s make the remainder of this year a bumper crop of joy, abundance, gratitude and contentment. As I sit on the deck, under the beautiful mountain scenery of Sedona, it is delightful to breathe in the graciousness of nature. The breeze through the trees soothes my soul, and the electric energy from the mountains ignites my passion. I cannot wait go take this gift home and see what I can create from this time spent under the Harvest Full Moon in the mystical energy of Sedona.

And as beautiful as it is here, I am reminded that beauty is everywhere if we take time to look up and honor our surroundings, even if it’s in the faces of the ones we love.

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