Love You to the Moon and Back!
The moon is full today. There is also a lunar eclipse today, although we probably won’t see it unless you happen to live in Africa. I have been fascinated with the moon’s magic since I was a child, but it wasn’t until my early adulthood that I began to notice and feel the rhythms and cycles of the moon. I’m not alone. Our ancestors told time, navigated, planted and harvested crops according to the cycles of the moon. Sailors honored the moon and her tides. Pagans worshipped the mysterious moon and her magical powers. The moon has always given continuity to our lives, wherever on earth we found ourselves.
Full moons can make us a little loony too. The word lunacy is derived from the word luna, moon. It is not surprising that the moon’s cycles affect us. We ebb and flow just like the seasons and the tides, if we are paying attention.
“The moon is earth’s oldest temple, holding the potency of countless prayers since the dawn of time. – Dana Gerhardt, Mooncircles”
Whether you want to give magical powers to the moon or not, what could it hurt to send your own prayer to her tonight?
The full moon is a time to focus on our inner life and take stock. Are there things no longer working that need to be released? Now is the time. Full moon days are perfect for releasing negative thought patterns, toxic people and bad habits. It’s time for a clean slate. Now is the perfect time for healing what needs to be healed and shedding what needs to be let-go. For when the moon is shining brightly, we are given the opportunity to have a spotlight on the deepest parts of ourselves we would rather not see.
Full moons also offer us an opportunity to develop a practice for forgiveness and gratitude. Those two energies are fundamental building blocks for a well-nourished soul. You cannot harbor bitterness, fear and resentment and find the love that your soul craves. Forgiveness is the key to releasing the charge that you carry over someone else’s behavior. It does not necessarily mean their actions were right or justifiable, it only means that you no longer want to carry their energy inside of you. Release it to the moon, she can take it.
Nothing brings more happiness and joy into your life than an attitude of gratitude. When you release your anger, grief, arguments and dramas with forgiveness, replace the negative space with gratitude. Extra credit if you can see the life-lesson in your negative emotion and find gratitude for the guidance hidden therein. All of us are here to learn. If you don’t see or know the lesson being gifted to you yet, no worries. You can express gratitude with a simple statement, “Thank you.” The moon shines a little brighter for us when we are grateful for the lives we live today.
Lunar cycles don’t create events in your life, no more than the tides create the ocean. And as you wouldn’t wear a coat and don your snow shovel in July, it makes sense to recognize the seasons to the moon’s cycles. Waning and waxing moons, as well as new moons, each carry a varied energy. Every month in her march around the earth, the moon finds herself in a new place in the solar system, and in a new astrological sign. The moon adopts energies from the astrological sign as well as the season. In my love for the moon and her cycles, I will be writing more about this in the months ahead, but as a little tease, today’s full moon and the accompanying eclipse will bring this type of energy in her wake:
1) Like an archeologist, you can deeply excavate any old patterns, beliefs, habits or mindsets that no longer serve you and release them without the usual ingrained fear or attachment of letting go. Be honest with yourself even if it feels uncomfortable to do so. Let that sh*t go.
2) This full moon is shining light on areas of your life that are ready to be transformed, if you trust and are brave enough to do so. You can hit the reset button and know that all will be well.
3) Your deepest desires and spiritual awareness are calling to your soul. Honor it. What you seek is seeking you. You can open up without reservation or fear, and accept the nourishment your soul is longing for today.
4) Success, power and influence will be driven from a place of personal power, not greed, if you choose wisely.
5) Hold on tight – ready or not, the current energy is ushering in change and progress. Who knows where this might lead! Enjoy the ride.
The moon has always been mysterious. Who really knows the power she holds? I believe that the more we go with the flow of the moon’s cycles, the easier it is to manifest beauty and grace into our lives, rather than constantly fighting the current upstream.
While you may no longer need to tell time or season by the moon, your body and soul still listen to her endless rhythm. What full-moon ritual can you create to honor the moon tonight? Do you need to spend time making lists and journaling your deepest desires? Sit outside and bathe in the energy of the moon? Perhaps take a luxurious bath in candlelight? Or even better, grab the kids and go howl at the moon, a little lunacy can be fun! And don’t forget to tell her thank you with a wink and a smile.