
This Celestial Event is a Game-Changer!

This Celestial Event is a Game-Changer!

I love the moon and her energy. I believe when we pay attention to the cycles of nature and the cosmos, we can work better with the hand we are being dealt, metaphorically speaking. The cosmos is currently dealing out a doozy of a hand, so let’s double down and see where it leads. I’m all in!

The full moon is tomorrow, Friday. There will be a total lunar eclipse as well, which gives this full moon its name, the Blood Moon, so named for the color the moon will turn during the eclipse, deep red. This eclipse will also be the longest, slowest of the century. Quite the lunar event!

Unfortunately for most of us here in North America, we won’t be able to actually see it, but we will feel it, guaranteed. Keeping with the cards metaphor, this particular lunar hand has a few jokers and wild cards thrown in as well. Not only do we have a full moon with a total eclipse happening now, there are five planets in retrograde, and Mars is closest to the earth than in recent history. Mars, that fiery red planet named after the god of war.

Astrologically speaking, we may as well throw our cards down, fold, and hope everyone else is being dealt the same hand (trust me, they are).

This celestial event is a game changer. Let’s break it down.

Full moon energies always ask us to release things that no longer serve us. This full moon falls in the astrological sign of Aquarius, the social butterfly of the zodiac. Aquarius is also highly emotional, often taking things more personally than were intended. The full moon energy is already flowing with emotion, often in overload, so hold on, don’t be surprised when you find yourself dealing with emotional baggage you weren’t aware you still carried – to drop, let go of and release. And as a reminder, be gentle when dealing with your family, friends and co-workers as they too may be facing their unclaimed luggage. Aquarians are also known for their humanitarian instincts, so the focus may go wider than yourself to a broader, communal scope. This moon phase reminds us that it’s not always all about us, and we must also DO good for others as well. Can we add a little more light to the world?

Eclipses show us aspects of our lives that we would prefer not to see.  As I mentioned above, emotional baggage may resurface and issues we thought were over may return for another round. Total lunar eclipses are rare, calling us to pay attention to our emotions, thoughts and issues.  

This lunar eclipse will be the longest of the century, lasting close to two hours. That’s a lot of time to bring the emotional pot to boil and overflow. It is important to acknowledge what comes to a head, deal with it once and for all, and let it go. While this is not the time to ignore our emotions, it is not the time to spew blame over anyone near us. Claim your emotions and deal with them yourself. Now is time for emotional growth!

Planets in retrograde motion call for us to slow our pace, plan our actions and think carefully. With half the planets in retrograde motion, we need to slow down and reassess. Now is not the time to act impulsively but from our hearts, with thoughtful purpose. To punctuate that sentence, let’s talk about Mars.

Mars, now retrograde, is very close to Earth. Mars energy adds another layer of frustration and agitation to the mix. Mars loves to move fast, and here it is stuck in retrograde, stagnant and backward energy. You may find yourself feeling restless and anxious, like you’ve chain smoked while drinking strong coffee. Self-care must be a priority now. Exercise, eat well and rest to take care of your body, and meditate, journal and breathe deep to take care of your soul. This passionate, fiery and enthusiastic Mars energy will be back in balance shortly, so hang in there.

If ever there was a time for it, NOW is the time for a full moon ritual.

               Pay attention to your emotions. Take time journal and process what comes up, rather than shoving it aside or talking yourself out of your emotions. Now is time to purposefully let the old baggage go.

               Cut yourself and everyone around you some slack. We are all in this together.

               Take time to extend your focus outward, rather than just on yourself. I repeat, we are all in this together.

               Make self-care a top priority for the next month. This emotional rollercoaster will not last forever, but how you care for yourself now matters. Be vigilant with your diet, your water intake and your thought processes. Speak kindly to yourself and others.

               Be Open. This celestial period may feel intimidating, but I ask that you look at it as undergoing a beautiful transformation and soul growth. This is the perfect opportunity to release all the crap that no longer serves you, opens the door to positive change and helps your soul to evolve. Allow it to happen.

               Honor the moon. Take some time to acknowledge the many moons you have witnessed in your life and be grateful for each moon cycle, as they have all been our teachers, guides and shining lights. Gather up the family, light a bonfire and create your own moon ceremony. Dance under her light, howl at her, and bow to her with grace. Allow love, trust, patience and forgiveness to flow under this beautiful moon. 

Open Minds, the True Fountain of Youth

Open Minds, the True Fountain of Youth

