
What Do You Stand For?

What Do You Stand For?

What do you stand for? For some people, the answer to this question is obvious. Advocates, champions, aficionados and zealots know what they stand for. Their stance is fixed and unwavering. There’s no doubt what they believe in.  But what about people like me? I, too, have strong beliefs, but they are not nearly as fixed, nor if I’m honest, are they unwavering. I pride myself on having an open mind. But if my beliefs are not fixed, I felt compelled to ask myself this question:  What do I stand for?

I am struggling, watching the circus that has arrived in America, masquerading as politics. Correct that, the circus has always been in town, but seems that now the animals have gotten loose in the big top, the monkeys are the ringleaders, screaming profane insults from the rings at the other animals. The circus animals are looking at one another wondering, “how did we get here?”  And we watch from the bleachers, horrified and speechless. Every day there’s a new affront, a new slap in the face to us middle of the road, non-confrontational, apolitical people. Every day the ante is raised, testing us. What provocation will today bring? Where will the lines be drawn tomorrow? All begging the question: Where do you stand?

One thing is for sure – this spectacle is not what I stand for. As am empath, I am blessed with being able to read and feel people’s energy, even when it’s unwelcome. Over time, I have had to learn if the energy I’m carrying is mine and what isn’t (and needs to be moved along). The only way to be a healthy empath was to implement a practice of ultimate self-care. Given the current domestic and world climate, I find myself unable to cope with all the negative energy. And as much as I'd like to be in a position to make a difference, I cannot, because as an empath, you cannot be enmeshed in this amount of pain, suffering and anger and remain sane, much less affect change. The most loving thing I could do for myself, my family and the world, was to withdraw from the fracas of the political and media circus so I could form my own opinions, carry my own energy and assess, where do I stand?

I am very careful what energy I allow into my daily life. I flatly refuse to entertain myself with violence which means I don’t spend much time with TV or movies. I avoid anything that smells of “I am right, you are wrong” so church is out for me, as well as most social media. It is easy to complain, shout in outrage and spew verbal insults, get fired up in faceless social media controversies, but what is one to do when you are simply seeking to enlighten yourself and others? The isolation I’ve created has been helpful, but I think it may be time for action, and I suspect that means it is time to claim a stance.

There’s a push today to right all wrongs, and frankly it is long past due. We are being given an opportunity to shine a spotlight on a darkness that has been with us since the dawn of time, fear. Fear mentality is currently running rampant. Fear is the root cause of all hatred, anger, bigotry, judgments and reactive behavior. Fear is also the basis for our inability to act, inertia and indecisiveness. Fear will never be resolved in heated debates with people who do not see the world in the same way. Fear cannot be healed with more fear, anger and more outrage. In fact, collectively, we will only manifest more fear, anger and outrage, and the stakes will continue to rise. Reactionary behavior is not helping. Reacting throws gasoline on an already out of control fire.

I want to be a proponent for love and a conduit of light, but the darkness is demanding an answer:  Where do I stand? What do I stand for? Can I carry enough light to make a difference? Is love truly able to conquer all?

It’s not enough to recognize what I DON’T stand for, I want to focus on where I DO stand:

It is time to move forward with trust and faith. The wrongs of the past are now being illuminated so we can create anew. We can no longer be in denial about our collective evolution, that train has left the station. While it may seem chaotic, stressful and even painful, it is necessary, and it is time. Kicking and screaming, or embracing it –  a new era is coming.

We will always create what we focus our attention upon. Collectively, we have created the current state of affairs. Please watch your thoughts and words. Watch what drives your reactions and consider instead: What if no one reacted? What if no one took the bait? I believe we are all at a fancy-dress ball and it’s up to us to decide with whom we dance. Next time you are triggered by someone, stop dancing with them until you can see your feet on the ground again. Let’s not keep creating more of this current situation.

Fear has had control of us for far too long.  Fears must be addressed for true change and healing to occur. Fear has been allowed, welcomed even, into our lives as a means to control us, keep us in our place and affirm our stance in ignorance. Take a hard look at what you stand for – is it driven by fear? If so, don’t judge. We have been taught to fear since time immortal. Remember, you cannot be in faith and fear at the same time, so choose wisely how you walk your talk.

I will always choose love and compassion over hate. It is difficult to view people whose beliefs are the complete opposite of ours without judgment, or even outright hatred, however it must be done. Both love and hate are energies, but they vibrate at complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Collectively we can do much for humanity through the energy of love and compassion, but first we must overrule the hate domineering our world. To do so we must recognize it, acknowledge it, challenge it and overcome it. Let's be fearless in love, act boldly with compassion. This is our time to make a difference.

Change is so predictably constant. Let’s welcome change. It is in our best interests not to hold onto to something past its expiration date just because it’s familiar or comfortable. Change is uncomfortable for a reason. Change is important and necessary to our growth, for if we do not grow, end of story, we die. As cliché as it has become, now is time to be the change you wish to see in the world.

It is okay to be wrong. Sometimes we take a stand, or make a choice that felt right to us at a particular moment in time, but find it no longer resonates with us as it once did. We all dread that moment of clarity when you realize, I was wrong. Nothing will be gained by blaming others. Nothing will be gained by entrenching yourself further in pride. Better to own it, clean it up, apologize if necessary and forgive yourself for the foibles of being human. We learn more through being wrong than right. Or, maybe like I am beginning to understand, the whole concept of right and wrong no longer resonates, as there are so many shades of grey.

I own my own stuff. It is not my job to police someone else’s bad behavior. I can disagree with them, I can remove myself from their presence, but it’s their karma to work through their own stuff and it’s my karma to work out mine. If I’ve got my nose in someone else’s business, I’m not tending to my own.  If it happens that your stuff is overwhelming my stuff, I will work with you to clean up our stuff, or work around you. It’s imperative that I work through and heal my own stuff now so that I able to begin the task of cleaning up stuff on a global scale.

In times of energetic overload, it is crucial to remember to practice ultimate self-care. There is no way I can be there for others, myself, or society in a positive way when embroiled in drama, pain and anger. Until the circus leaves town we must make it a practice to Stop! Breathe! Take time out to regroup, rest and recharge before trying to save the world. For more about ultimate self-care, have a read here.

I love my family with all my heart. It’s helpful in times of stress to remember what is important to you and why you are here. My family will always be my line in the sand. And they will always be at the heart of all that matters to me, and factor into every decision making, thought-process, action-step I take.

God, my Higher-Power, Source Energy has my back, always. It may seem like we’re experiencing a little tough love at the moment, but it is our own free-will choices that have made our circumstances and our own free-will choices that will affect change. God does not punish us, we do that to ourselves. Have faith and trust that all will be well, especially when appearances suggest otherwise.

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.” – John Lennon

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