
25 Ways to Practice Ultimate Self-Care Today

25 Ways to Practice Ultimate Self-Care Today

Ultimate self-care is the path to a well-nourished soul. A well-nourished soul is the gateway to unconditional love, for oneself and all others.

Love is the only force that can break the grip of fear and negativity that seemingly has a stranglehold on our lives today. The list below outlines what I believe are the building blocks to create a foundation for unconditional love through self-care.

Can you begin to implement these self-care practices into your life? We can build a more loving world together. Let’s start today.

25 Ways to Practice Ultimate Self-Care

1)  Practice kindness, to yourself and others, especially with your words.

2)  Respect your body by making healthful choices.

3)  Look for the positive before assuming the negative. Break the habit of negativity.

4)  Cherish your relationships with loved ones, friends and family.

5)  Invite change into your life by being open to possibility. Without change we stop growing.

6)  Embrace each activity with enthusiasm.

7)  Listen, even when nothing is being said.

8)  Nurture your soul and spirit to avoid feeling empty or put-upon. Fill the well.

9)  Avoid laziness. Work hard and challenge yourself often.

10)  Find humor in the absurd. It’s there, I promise.

11)  Spend wisely, debt is stressful.

12)  Say what you mean and mean what you say, or say nothing at all. Keep your word.

13)  Look for beauty in the everyday and ordinary.

14)  Be silly without caring what others will think of you.

15)  Set aside the illusion of control.

16)  Stop procrastinating.  Ask yourself, "If not now, when?"

17)  Be truly generous and expect nothing in return.

18)  Honor your own gifts without arrogance or pride.

19)  Remember perfectionism kills creativity.  Doing your best is good enough.

20)  Keep organized and create positive chi in your environment.

21)  Accept failure as a learning experience.

22)  Reacquaint yourself with joy. Laugh out loud.

23)  Don’t be too proud to ask for help.

24)  Breathe. Slow inhale, slower exhale. Repeat. Repeat again.

25)  Take time every day to quiet your thoughts and still your mind. Acknowledge the abundance in your life and give thanks daily.

If you’d like to read more about Ultimate Self-Care, have a look at my previous blog article here.

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