
Season of Gratitude

Season of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is upon us. Besides stuffing our turkeys and ourselves, gratitude is the theme of the season. What are you thankful for today? The importance of cultivating a gratitude practice cannot be overstated, not only during this season, but every day. Gratitude is a high-vibration emotion, up there with love, compassion, forgiveness and joy.

Gratitude does not mean we are glad of our suffering and challenges.  Let’s face it, there are some horrific things facing us these days – from assault rifles to cancer. It can be easy to face life with an attitude of “What’s the point?” or “Why me?” Given the circumstances, who could blame us? It’s a wonder we’re not all overwhelmed by our own challenges and the suffering of our planet.

Gratitude means we find some aspect or consequence of life’s circumstances to appreciate. While it may not be obvious or even seem like false bravado, there is always something to recognize in our situation that is serving us an opportunity to grow and learn. Finding the gift within our daily life should always be cherished and treasured. I believe there are days when that gift shows up solely in the fact that the day is over, and I can crawl into bed. Cultivating a gratitude practice need not be grandiose declarations of thanks, simple works too. Gratitude is an attitude that keeps us in present moment, away from tomorrow’s worries and yesterday’s pain.

No discussion about Gratitude could be complete without mentioning her sisters, Abundance and Prosperity. Gratitude, Abundance and Prosperity have very little to do with money, possessions or things. Yes, money does carry energy that makes life easier. We want so much, for ourselves and our loved ones, but I wonder if we know what we truly need to feel content and fulfilled.

Success is often measured by our prosperity. Our self-worth is entwined in our relationship to money and our ability to provide a lifestyle we may not even want or need. When we are focused on what we do not have, we don’t recognize the abundance and prosperity we already enjoy. And as we continue to focus on what we lack, we manifest a life of lack. You cannot feel grateful and impoverished at the same time. As we open our hearts to the miracle of gratitude, wonderous things being to happen and that begins by addressing our relationship to abundance and prosperity.

After all, how can we expect more from the Universe when we do not appreciate what we already have? Life presents us with opportunities to acknowledge grace in our lives every day, all that is required is for us to pay attention. Abundance can be found in simple pleasures, such as a great cup of coffee or a good belly laugh. Prosperity can be found in our authentic needs being met, feeling loved and cared for, as well as a roof over our heads. As we honor the abundance and prosperity in our lives with gratitude, we open ourselves to more abundance and prosperity. Simply put: what we focus on, we create.

When I’m not feeling grateful for the circumstances surrounding me, I find other things to appreciate until I can see the bigger picture. Just this morning, I saw a beautiful sunrise, it was breathtakingly glorious. Right now, I have a cat purring in my lap, and while she makes typing difficult, she brings joy to my heart by her contentment just to be here. Outside my window, there is a hummingbird making a meal of the last of the season’s flowers, his throat ruby in the sunshine. Today is warm so I can open the windows onto my garden oasis I love so dearly. I breathe in gratitude and it feels good to be in a moment of peace. Do my circumstances change? No, but my attitude is certainly in a different place than it would be if I just sat here stewing. And I believe, with all my heart, that my life is enriched by the simple pleasures I celebrate with gratitude.

Take time today, and every day, to acknowledge and give thanks for your life. Before I go to sleep at night, I give thanks for the blessings of the day. There are so many if you pay attention. And as you begin to explore and integrate the life-affirming, and life-changing principle of gratitude, miracles really do happen.

Wishing you all a joyous Thanksgiving! May your cornucopia overflow in love of friends and family, good cheer, compassion for our planet and a well-nourished soul for you! I am truly grateful for you, today and every day!

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